Friday, March 16, 2012


I watch as you slither towards me,
your moans and your biting declare
what you are. You’re a threat to
human kind, nobody knows how
you got here.

How can something move that’s
entrails are on the outside?
How can you move with one
arm broken and the other
slowly decaying?

Pure determination. Two words
that can describe
your determination—it could be
instincts that made you so.

Yet here you are, a monstrosity.
But, there’s something beautiful
about you. You’re like a walking—
no, slithering anatomy dummy
just waiting for some purpose.

Since my contemplations about you,
you have gotten closer to me. So close
you try to claw your way through
my jeans.

Enough of this pity.
You’re no longer human, yet—
yet, why am I feeling emotions
for you?

The truth hurts to know
that you were once like me.
Maybe you had a lover, a family;
maybe they’re still out there.
Trying to find you.

I feel you begin to clutch on
my pant leg. You start to move
faster. Mouth biting at the thin
air . . . and then—

You release my pants from
your clutches. My gun still
smoking from the shot.
You lay there finally at

I walk away from you
before I begin to contemplate
more about you. 

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